MyCloudIT Blog

    Still Using an Admin as a Privileged Account in Your Active Directory?

    Are you still using legacy usernames like Administrator or admin in your Active Directory? Are you wanting to move your existing...

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    Tags: MyCloudIT Best Practices, Best Practices

    5 Best Practices to Adjust Your Deployments for the Holidays

    The holidays are such a wonderful time of the year because we get the opportunity to spend more time with family and friends. If...

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    Tags: MyCloudIT Best Practices, Best Practices

    Use Case: Advanced Cloud Workspace Monitoring

    With the help of RDPSoft, we’ve been able to bring advanced cloud workspace monitoring to our customers. Below is one example of...

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    Tags: MyCloudIT Best Practices, Best Practices

    The B Series VM Looks Good on Paper, But...

    I talk to a number of customers that see the pricing of the Azure B series VMs and immediately want to leverage them in their ...

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    Tags: MyCloudIT Best Practices, Best Practices

    File-Based Backup vs VM-Based Backup

    Microsoft Azure provides two ways to protect your Azure-based data. The original method provides file-based backups of your...

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    Tags: MyCloudIT Best Practices, Best Practices

    Why Can’t I Resize My Deployment to the New D_v3 Sizes?

    I really like the new D_v3 VM sizes, I think they are a great value when you compare their cost vs. performance. If you aren't...

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    Tags: MyCloudIT Best Practices, Best Practices