MyCloudIT Blog

    Azure Autoscale vs. AWS Auto Scaling

    Autoscaling is a systematic method in cloud computing that enables organizations to automate the number of computational...

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    Tags: Microsoft Azure, Cost Optimization

    3 Reasons Why MyCloudIT Autoscale Makes Sense

    Getting started with Autoscale in Microsoft Azure isn’t too difficult, but if you are looking to truly customize policies to...

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    Tags: Microsoft Azure, Cost Optimization

    5 Mistakes You Can’t Afford to Make When You Optimize Azure

    As Brian mentioned in one of our previous blogs, “One of the main motives for companies moving to the cloud is the potential for...

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    Tags: Microsoft Azure, Cost Optimization

    How to Save up to 80% in Azure Virtual Machine Costs

    With an understanding of the Hourly Rate of Virtual Machines (VM’s) in Microsoft Azure, we can now explore the three specific...

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    Tags: Microsoft Azure, Cost Optimization

    5 Ways to Help Your Decrease Azure Costs

    Thanks for reading one of the Bonus articles for the Azure Spring Clean! And a BIG thanks to Joe Carlyle and Thomas Thornton for...

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    Tags: Microsoft Azure, Cost Optimization

    What are Hybrid Benefits?
    By Brian Garoutte On February 25, 2020

    What are Hybrid Benefits?

    In our recent blog on Cost Management for Microsoft Azure, we discussed how Reserved VM Instances and Virtual Machine Right-Sizing

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    Tags: Microsoft Azure, Cost Optimization