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Redeploy a VM in Azure

If you have been facing issues with a particular virtual machine (VM) in Azure, redeploying the VM may help

You can think of a redeploy as a restart+. When you redeploy a VM, Azure will power off the VM, move the VM to a new node (different hardware in the same datacenter), then power it back on This article shows you how to redeploy a VM using the Azure portal UI.

Some common reasons why you may redeploy: 

  • Networking is not functioning as expected, for example inbound requests are denied or you cannot RPD to the VM
  • A newly deployed session host for the MCIT portal is not accepting connection and you have waited a reasonable amount of time. 
  • There are issues with that VM not explained by OS or software issues
  • You are getting blue screens that point to a hardware issue

The only data that is not retained during a redeploy is the same data not retained during a deallocate, which is the temp disk (if your VM size uses one). 

In azure portal select the VM then click the "Redeploy + reapply" blade. 

Next select Redeploy



See the following for further information: