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Youtube Linkedin Facebook X-twitter TOOLKIT MANAGE Why MyCloud Manager? We believe the future of IT
We believe the future of IT is the cloud, the future of the workspace is mobile and achievement of each will unlock productivity and innovation for any business. MyCloud Manager platform is created to simplify and accelerate the process of getting every business there.
MyCloud Manager deploys remote desktop services on top of Microsoft Azure Infrastructure-as-a-Service. We believe this allows for simplified access to the public cloud and more control once there. Conexlink, we’ve built a lot of really cool monitoring and management features to make it easy for you to increase performance and decrease costs. Auto-scaling and auto-scheduler are two key features that simplify management tasks and significantly cut IT costs. All of this is provided in a pay-as-you-go, only for what you use, subscription model.
MyCloudIT Manager is a cloud agnostic single pane of glass platform designed to help MSPs, ISVs and
other service providers manage their IT infrastructure and resources efficiently.
MyCloud Services Manager provides:
SMBs face a wide of challenges when it comes to their cloud computing. With MyCloud Services we are helping empower organizations to better understand their cloud optimization and cost based on real-time reporting and analytics.
Check out these hand-picked blogs to learn more
Youtube Linkedin Facebook X-twitter TOOLKIT MANAGE Why MyCloud Manager? We believe the future of IT
Learn about the challenge of cloud computing and how MyCloudIT can help you optimize and streamline your move to the cloud.
We’ve heard it all. That is why we built your turnkey solution to tackling these changes. And our world class technical support team can help you through it.
Reclaim control with the latest from MyCloud Services
We help Service Providers & ISVs improve performance, save money and stay lean running Azure desktops & apps.
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